
Our partners

Swarovski Optik

EX 3.0 - Sydney - Model A


TTL (Through The Lens)


Sydney - Modell A

Frame size

L, S

Frame colour

Transparent, Slate-Grey, Copper, Frozen-Grey



Working distance

350 / 400 / 450 mm

Optional accessories

starLight mit Adapter

EX – perfect in every respect
(frame Sydney A)

Excellent image quality and depth of field give these loupe glasses the edge. The powerful optics deliver a bright, clear image without colour fringe, and with sharpness of detail right to the edge. The glasses are also comfortable to handle and come in discreet and elegant colours. All in all, these loupe glasses give you optimum support for your demanding work.

The Sydney comes with an attractive modern sporty design, great comfort when worn and maximum functionality.

We recommend lenses from ZEISS for any necessary vision correction.


Do you have any questions about these products?
We are happy to help!

+49 (0) 80 92 - 85 04 47

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Loupe glasses from starMed

You have trained your eyes as a medical practitioner – let us make them really focused!

Whether for diagnosis or to work on the finest structures, you can improve your quality of work with loupe glasses. Avoiding errors caused by “overlooking” details will also benefit your patient.
We invite you to discover the world of loupe glasses!

You will be amazed at how much better and more accurately you can work when you can simply see more. Our loupe glasses are custom-made and of the highest quality.

